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You will visit the most significant birding locations in Uganda on our 12 Days Birding Safari Tour in Uganda. Two of the top 10 bird watching locations on the continent are in Uganda, with Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park coming in at number one. Following the paths of our 12-day comprehensive bird watching safari will allow you to find new bird watching locations and come across numerous uncommon species that are only found on Earth. Join our knowledgeable birding team this year for a challenge that will stick in your memory.

12 Days Birding Safari Tour in Uganda

Detailed Itinerary.

Day 1: Transfer to Semuliki National Park

You will be picked up from your hotel by our guide. After that, transfer along the Mityana-Mubende highway, stopping briefly in Tanda village to learn about its history and at the Nakayima tree. Next, go to Fort Portal Town for lunch on the way, and finally take the Bundibugyo highway to Semuliki National Park. The trip takes you through breathtaking views of plantations and moon-shaped mountains before dropping you off at the park’s gate to go bird viewing. The approach winds through vast grasslands and the stunning Borassus savannah, home to a variety of bird species like the African grey hornbill, crested francolin, helmeted guinea fowl, and common scimitar bill. Dinner and overnight at Semuliki Safari Lodge.

Day 2: Semuliki National Park

After eating breakfast early in the morning, head to the Kirumya path or forest for a full day of bird watching with a packed lunch. Birding in the early morning hours yields prizes such as African scops owl, Pearl-spotted owlet, and nightjars. Because the forest is home to some species that are found in the Congo biome, birdwatching there will also yield birds such as the African piculet, Zenkel, Red billed, Nkurengu rail, honey guide, Black chested cuckoo, Red rumped tinker bird, Rufous sided broadbill, Green tailed bristle bill, White bellied, dwarf and Pygmy kingfishers, piping, white thighed, black and white casqued, and African pied hornbills, fire crested alethe, red bellied and blue billed malimbe, black wattled, black bill and white crested hornbill, swamp palm bulbul, forest scrub robin, Leaf love, red breasted sparrow hawk, and others. Go back to the lodge for dinner, spend the night, and have dinner.

Day 3: Semuliki National Park

Early morning after breakfast, with packed lunch to take on another birding trail on the main road Sempaya trail or the Kirumya trail, depending on the previous’ day results. Return to the lodge for relaxation, dinner and over night.

Day 4 Transfer to Kibale National Park – Sebitoli Birding Site

After breakfast this morning, head to the Sebitoli birding spot in Kibale National Park, which is regarded as the greatest place to go birdwatching. Lunch at the park, then follow the route for birdwatching Watching for specials such as the African black duck, the joyful cabanis, the Toro olive and Cameroon sombre green buls, the brown and scaly breasted illadopsis, the green-throated sunbird, the green-breasted pita, the African pita, the -headed sunbird, the brown-capped weaver, the velvet-mantled Drongo, the pink-footed puff back, and many others. Dinner and overnight at Ndali Lodge or Kibale Primate Lodge.

Day 5: Kibale Forest National Park

After breakfast go for guided birding in the Kanyanchu area where you will watch out for birdlife species like the African go-shwak, the majestic crowned eagle, masked apalis, grey parrots and many more. Picnic lunch in the forest and the afternoon visit to the Bigodi wetland sanctuary through the Magombe swamp to see birds such as papyrus Gonolek, papyrus canary, mosque swallow and brown headed Tchagra. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight. Meal plan: Full-Board.

Day 6:  Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Early breakfast, drive to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, watch out for birds and game en-route reaching late afternoon. Have lunch at the park, then go birding Buhoma area. Dinner and overnight at Gorilla forest camp, Mahogany springs (Luxury) or Buhoma community Bandas (Budget). Meal pan: Full-Board.

Day 7: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Take the water fall trail into the forest to go birdwatching after breakfast. As you make your way down to the camp for lunch, keep an eye out for birds like the Kivu ground thrush, Mountain Buzzard, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Mackinnon’s Fiscal, Sooty Boubou, African Hill-Babbler, Dusky Tit, Ashy Flycatcher, Dusky-blue Flycatcher, Doherty’s Bush-shrike, Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher, Chin-spot Batis, Rwenzori Batis, Ayre’s Hawk-eagle, white bellied Robin-chat, and slender billed starling moving along the main track. Afternoon, continue your birdwatching by travelling to Bwindi via the extensive trail. Go back to the lodge to have dinner and spend the night.

Day 8: Buhoma Region

After breakfast in the morning, spend the afternoon birdwatching on the shorter trek and the long trail to Mubwindi. Watch out for birds such as the Bar-tailed trogon, Carruthers’ Cisticola Red-chested Flufftail, Waller’s starling, Black-billed turacos, Barbets, Carruthers’ Green Bull, Cabanis’s Dwarf Honey Guide, and Oriole Finch. You have the chance to look for gorillas in addition to birds throughout your search. Go back to the lodge to have dinner and spend the night.

Day 9:  Ruhija Region

Dawn breakfast, go birding in the Ruhija area and spot out birds like the Red-tailed and Shelley’s Greenbul, Grey-throated Barbet, Common Buzzard, Black Bee-eater and Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Red-throated Alethe, African Shrike-flycatcher Ayres’s Hawk-eagle,  and many more. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 10:  Lake Mburo National Park

Travel through Kabale on your way to Lake Mburo National Park after breakfast. After lunch in Mbarara, travel to Mburo National Park and spend the late afternoon spotting types of birds associated with acacia, such as the mosque swallow, black-bellied bustard, and Ruppell’s long-tailed starling, along the Rwonyo entrance road. Dinner and overnight at Mihingo Lodge, Arcadia Cottages, Mburo Lodge and Rwonyo Rest Camp.

Day 11: Lake Mburo National Park

Morning breakfast, drive along the lake side track and Kigambira loop towards Kampala, spot out for birds like Green-capped Eremomela, Austral migrant, black cuckoo-shrike Tawny, African Hawk, Bate lour and others en-route. Lunch on the way arriving Kampala, have dinner and overnight at Hotel Africana.

Day 12: Kampala – Entebbe.

Today after breakfast is reserved and you will be transferred to Entebbe international airport to board your home Flight.

End of the 12 Days Birding Safari Tour in Uganda.

The 12 Days Birding Safari Tour in Uganda package includes;

  • Airport transfers
  • Transportation by a 4wd vehicle
  • Accommodation and meals as per itinerary
  • Park fees
  • Driver/guide substance allowance.
  • En-route lunches
  • Birding throughout the itinerary
  • Game drives

The package excludes expenses of personal nature like; Visa, drinks, laundry, tips to local guides, telephone, personal insurance.


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