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The most fascinating birding safari we can provide you with during your bird watching safari in Uganda is the 7-Day Uganda Bird viewing Safari, which gives an amazing nature and bird viewing experience across Uganda’s top sites. The uncommon Shoebill Stork can be found in the Mabamba Swamps of UWEC, while the largest remaining forest in central Uganda is found in Mabira Forest. Notable Acacia Associated Birds can be found in Lake Mburo National Park. Come view and hear the Ugandan birds on a pleasant tour of encounters & natural discoveries, travelling with one of the greatest naturalist birding guides in Uganda, from the capital to the shores of Lake Victoria, through wetlands and forest.

7 Days Uganda Bird Watching Safari

Detailed Itinerary.

Day 1: Birding at Uganda Wildlife Education Center.

After a welcome and shuttle upon arrival, head to your Kampala hotel. You may spend the afternoon at the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC), formerly known as the Zoo, depending on when you arrive. More than 170 different species of wild birds have come here. There are ten different species of weavers, including the uncommon Northern Masked Weaver, Golden Backed, African Paradise, Baglafect, Northern Brown Throated, Grosbeak, Black Necked, and many more. There are five different species of flycatchers: the red-bellied, lead-colored, swamp, crested shrike, and many more. Meet raptors like the African Goshawk, Shikra, African Fish, African Hobby, Gabar Goshawk, and many more species, including captive creatures. Continue on to the Botanical Gardens for additional birdwatching. After a welcome and shuttle upon arrival, head to your Kampala hotel. Depending on when you arrive, you could spend the afternoon at UWEC, which is home to more than 170 different species of birds and other animals. This comprises seven different species of weavers, including the uncommon Northern Masked Weaver and Orange Weaver.

Accommodation Options: Lake Victoria Hotel, Imperial Botanical Hotel, Airport View Guesthouse.

Day 2: Birding along the Heritage Trail

After breakfast, get moving and head to the Heritage trail. The drive from the airport takes ten minutes. A variety of wildlife, including the Short Toed Snake Eagle, Brown Crowned Tchargra, Violet-backed Starlings, Black and Red Shouldered Cuckoo Shrikes, Yellow Bill, Brown Twin Spot, Great Sparrow Hawk, Southern Banded Snake Eagle, and many others, may be spotted. Head to Lutembe Beach for your midday meal. Take a boat to look for the thousands of Grey Headed Gulls, White Winged Black Terns, Papyrus Gonolek, and Papyrus Canary, and spend the rest of the evening bird watching.

Accommodation Options: Lake Victoria Hotel, Imperial Botanical Hotel, Airport View Guesthouse.

Day 3: Birding in Mabamba Swamps

After breakfast, move on to the Mabamba Swamps, another Important Bird Area (IBA) where there are roughly five Shoebills, according to Ugandan birding excursions. Canoeing is the primary means of birdwatching. African Water Rail, Long-Toed Plover, Goliath, Purple Herons, Pygmy Goose, Yellow-Billed Duck, White-Faced Whistling Duck, Grey and Black Headed Heron Moorhen, Allen’s Gallinule, Black Crake, African Jacana, Sitatunga Antelope (swamp Antelope), and many more species may be spotted. Make your way back to Kampala, stopping on route at another marsh. Papyrus gonolek, White-winged Warbler, Yellow Crowned Bishop, Weyns Weaver, and other species can be seen here.

Accommodation Options: Lake Victoria Hotel, Imperial Botanical Hotel, Airport View Guesthouse.

Day 4: Birding in Mabira Forest

After breakfast, travel for about an hour from Kampala to Mabira Forest, where you may go forest bird watching. Yellow-whiskered Greenbul, Leaf Love, Toro Greenbul, Buff-spotted, Grey-spotted, White-spotted Fluff-tail, Red-headed Blue Bill, Yellow-spotted Barbet, Grey-throated Barbet, Forest Robin, Yellow Rumped, Yellow-Throated Tinker bird, Blue Breasted Kingfisher, African Pygmy, Shining blue, Woodland Kingfishers, Red-tailed Ant Thrush, Brown-capped, Chestnut Wattle Eye, Yellow mantled, Black-billed, Weyn’s Weavers, Violet-backed Starling, Red-headed Malimbe, Purple-headed Starling, and many more stunning species are to be expected. After lunch on a picnic, spend the evening bird watching. Go back to Kampala to spend the night and supper.

Accommodation Options: Kampala Serena Hotel, Kampala Sheraton Hotel, Cassia Lodge.

Day 5: Lake Mburo National Park

After eating breakfast, proceed to the Lake Mburo National Park. From Kampala, the drive takes four hours. The park is located in Uganda’s west. After a quick halt near the equator, continue to Lake Mburo and birdwatch until you reach the Nshara gate entrance. Anticipate the subsequent It is possible to see the following species: Common Scimitarbill, Trilling Cisticola, Greater Blue Eared Starling, African Grey Hornbill, Brown Parrot, Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird, Crested Francolin, Green Wood Hoopoe, Lilac Breasted Roller, Spot-Flanked Barbet, Northern Black Tit, and Emerald Spotted Wood Dove. Visit Rwonyo Restaurant for lunch. Take a late-afternoon game drive along the Zebra Track after lunch, where you might see animals such the African Wattled Plover, Temmricks Courser, Black Bellied Bustard, Coqui Francolin, Rufous napped Rufous, Chested Swallow, and Flappet Lark, among others. Watch out for nocturnal wildlife such as leopards and other elusive creatures.

Accommodation Options: Mihingo Safari Lodge, Mburo Safari Lodge, Mantana Tented Camp.

Day 6: Nature Walk

After eating breakfast early in the morning, go for a nature walk where you can see impalas, as well as a variety of marsh and savanna bird species. Head back for lunch before heading out on the Kigambira loop for an evening wildlife drive. Expect to see localised species such as the lead-colored flycatcher, green-capped eremomela, black-collared barbet, red-headed lovebird, and red-faced barbet.

Accommodation Options: Mihingo Safari Lodge, Mburo Safari Lodge, Mantana Tented Camp.

Day 7: Game Drive & Birding along the Lakeside Track

You will go for a game drive along the Lakeside Track early in the morning. Approaching the aquatic environments near Lake Mburo is required for this. A few species to look out for are the Lesser and Greater Swamp Warbler, White Winged Warbler, Papyrus Gonolek, Papyrus Yellow Warbler, and the secretive Blue-headed Coucal, or Shoebill. Proceed towards the campground along the lake, keeping an eye out for various wildlife such as the African Water Rail, African Finfoot, Spur-winged Plover, and African Darter. After breakfast in the middle of the morning, head back for a launch-cruise to look for papyrus species—such as crocodiles and hippos—that were missed the day before. Head towards Kampala, stopping for lunch in Masaka town before continuing on to Kampala. But take note that there are two different kinds of safaris available: those who choose luxury safaris (lodges or hotels) and those who prefer budget safaris (camping and basic lodging). The other activities will not change, although our rates do depend on the type of lodging.

End of the 7 Days Uganda Bird Watching Safari

The 7 Days Uganda Bird Watching Safari package includes;

  • Airport transfers.
  • Transportation by a 4wd fuelled vehicle.
  • Accommodation and meals as per the itinerary.
  • Game drives.
  • Birding as per the itinerary.
  • 2 hour boat trip along Lake Mburo Park entry fees.
  • Park entrance.
  • Services on an English speaking driver/guide.

However, the safari excludes expenses like; entry Visa fees, drinks, laundry, tips to local guides, telephone, porter fee while trekking, personal travel or health insurance, tobacco etc.


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