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Tea Plantation Tour Experience in Rwanda

Tea Plantation Tour Experience in Rwanda

One of the best complimentary activities for your safari in Rwanda is a Tea Plantation Tour Experience. You won’t want to miss seeing the tea estates, taking part in the entire process of growing, harvesting, and learning how it all ends up in a hot cup of tea. These kinds of unique experiences rarely come around again. With the Rwanda Tea Tour Plantation Experience, you can extend your incredible journey beyond the confines of the country’s parks and spend time exploring the verdant, shimmering tea plantations while engaging with the people, making for an unforgettable and intriguing experience.

Rwanda has a large number of tea plantation fields due to its advantageous geographic location, thousand hills, and rich volcanic soils that are perfect for cultivating tea. Though the most well-known and unquestionably the most beautiful of Rwanda’s tea plantations, Gisakura sits atop undulating hills near the southern province of Nyungwe Forest National Park, making it an ideal destination for a tea plantation tour experience.

With the help of this complementary excursion, you will be able to enjoy a unique crop-to-cup tea experience that offers breathtaking views of the tropical Nyungwe Forests and tea farms. You will visit and tour the plantation with a tea expert and your guide, who will explain to you how tea is grown from the very beginning. You will also meet with the locals who are always harvesting tea and learning about the process of planting tea leaves. Finally, you will enjoy the exciting and hands-on moments of picking your own tea leaves, a truly authentic African experience that will motivate you to grow and process tea.

Continue your Gisakura tea tour experience, participate in additional interactive talks on Rwandan tea farms, and watch more demonstrations of tea brewing and other processing steps up to the point where you get to taste the tea. You will be able to enjoy the flavour of an ideal cup of African black tea, which is cultivated in Gisakura, among the gently sloping hills of Nyungwe National Park.

While on a Rwandan tea plantation tour in the Gisakura tea fields, visitors frequently have the opportunity to see the sizable groups of Colobus monkeys that inhabit the plantation’s edge of Nyungwe Forest. This will almost certainly add an unforgettable element to your tea tour experience.

The Gisovu Tea Plantation, which is situated right on the northern edge of Nyungwe Forest National Park and features shimmering fields and a stunning display of contrasting tea rows with the forests that stand just behind them, is another interesting tea plantation to visit for your complimentary and amazing tea tour experience.

The Rwandan tea plantation tour is a lovely trip that gives back to the community because the financial donations are divided between the local workers and tea harvesters to support their social welfare and well-being.

In addition to visiting a tea plantation, you can also go chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe National Park, which is a thrilling and well-liked tourist activity. You can meet the chimps as they play, hoot, and clang through the forests, or you can take a canopy walk to get the best views of the entire Nyungwe Forest.

A trip to Lake Kivu for boat rides and water sports is another adventure that travelers put on their bucket list while in Rwanda. Volcanoes National Park offers a plethora of exhilarating and daring activities, such as trekking with golden monkeys and gorillas.

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